Fujifilm X20 – First impressions

Light, sturdy, fancy, easy to use, excellent photos straight from the camera – this I think summarizes my impressions after the day one. I feel a lot more free, even if the technical quality of the photos is not the best. Actually, the fact that I don’t give a crap any more about pixels and sharpness and other stuff makes me feel so damn creatively free. I can shot everything with no constrains. The camera technology allows me to make mistakes that somehow suffer a strange metamorphosis into art. Weird shit…

But definitely, this camera is for a different type of photography, a different type of approach. And it is as awesome as the other one. Finally I can shoot what I couldn’t shoot before…people and places that have a fuzzy artistic form when it comes to 24 mega-pixels of extreme detail.

And now I can practice both. One makes me a photographer, the other one makes me a romantic visual “troubadour”… I hope :).



