Simple and memorable

We are used to think about birthday parties like events that imply a lot of people, drinking, smoking, eating, bbq-ing and finally going crazy due to the combination of all. And for us who like those manifestations, it is definitely fun. It is that kind of fun that is heavily anchored in creating “memorable” through “excess”. We don’t really think that maybe there are alternatives equally fun, but anchored in natural and enlightenment through fun conversations and… cake, of course.

We have recently been invited to such an exquisite event, which opportunity we consider to be quite an honor. No matter how open the Swedish society is (to those outsiders who can properly notice its openness),  there is a part of it which is very special, particular, and where you can only get if you willingly dive bellow the surface of what you are allowed to experience as a tourist. And there are prerequisites – you must have Swedish friends, you must appreciate Sweden and its life and customs and you must exercise strong common sense and have genuine love for the nature… and a taste for berries and cream.

It was a very special experience – it started with a Swedish buffet followed by a reasonably long walk into the surroundings, spiced with talks about passions and hobbies, life and science, horses and nature and epically ended with strawberry and pineapple cake and a dazzling Oculus Rift Tuscany walking experience. Very exquisite, very enlightening and… Swedish.

Of course, the house was red and full of flowers, the garden was awesome and the people extremely warm and friendly. It is how they REALLY are.







4 responses to “Simple and memorable”

  1. Tina Avatar

    Wow! You are really a talantet photographer! Beatiful pictures, and now I don´t only think of the photos from Freddes day. Nice to hear that you both enjoyed the visit at our home. Hope to see you both soon again. Always Welcome!

    1. Sebastian B. Avatar
      Sebastian B.

      Thank you!

  2. Rolf Apelqvist Avatar
    Rolf Apelqvist

    Det här ser precis ut som barndomens Järneklev med Margot Åsmans hus t v men det kan ju förstås vara vilken vacker Sverigevy som helst.

    1. Sebastian B. Avatar
      Sebastian B.

      The location is Åsle Tå, near Falköping :).