On the way to create my way

I know I like photography so very much that I kind of made a little obsession about it. Not big enough to interfere with my current job, because yes, I have one and it is great, but big enough to make me seriously thinking about becoming a “real” professional.

I have noticed that beside nature, I like taking photos of people. My problem is that I am very shy and I don’t have yet enough equipment to do it. But, being shy is temporary and my little business brought some money to help me some aquire a part of the stuff  that I still need.

For example, I have bought and Enlichrom set and some accessories, like a background stand. My first people photo shooting session will be the work of a make-up artist, a friend of a friend. It is for free of course, which gives me, and them, a lot of creative freedom and also some portfolio work. I haven’t tested yet the thing, but I will as soon as it will be delivered.

Together with the car photographing work I have done lately, it really looks like I am taking photography much further than initially intended. I am not thinking yet about going full time on it, since I am yet to meet other prerequisites beside equipment,  like financial freedom for starters, but again, who knows… Opportunities are out there, they just need a bit of exploring.

An my inner voice… Well, right now it tells me to go take that damn walk-about. And I decided that I will, but maybe in 4 years for now. I really need to have what to find in order to go search for it.

A Happy New Year to everyone!




