The Simbin Office

40 Hours after D90

Shooting pictures, not people, is fun. Noticing the fact that in 50% of the cases you get a totally different image than you were expecting, is a problem. Adjusting the rest of the pictures in Lightroom and not cleaning the green channel in a “supposedly sort of” monochrome picture is fatal, especially if you’re publishing on Facebook.  So these are the voyagers of a relative color blind in the world of light painting… In any case, at least I am sure that I am not messing up a picture because I have a bad taste. My advise is to always ask you local photo dealer or neighbor, if you have a 8-12 bit vision – “Can you please tell me if this picture is sorta’ greenish?”.

Oh, and I am shooting at Simbin, I mean the place where I am working, in case you’ve never heard of GTR 2 or Race ’07. Kinda nice, since it is one of prettiest company office I’ve seen. The not so pretty thing is that is getting a little overcrowded right now… But I am not complaining, since I am a member of the invasion… at least for a while.



